
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

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Pólitík er engin smá tík.
posted by Ha?, 11:56 AM


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commented by Anonymous Anonymous, 3:28 PM  
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commented by Blogger oskararnorsson, 8:24 PM  
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G.Bush er sindsyg og pshycopath!!!!

Kv. Lestarstöðvunarmaðurinn!
commented by Anonymous Anonymous, 1:41 AM  
Alltaf gaman þegar hinn pólitíski-Hjalti tekur til máls...kann vel við hann þó ég kunni ekki vel við XB-jörn Inga!

G.Bush er sindsyg og pshycopath!!!!

Kv. Lestarstöðvunarmaðurinn!
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Dúddits grátum saman !
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commented by Anonymous Anonymous, 11:53 AM  
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